It’s more than likely that you are owed money. We advise you to claim to get it back. With no initial cost. You’ll only pay our fees if you win. It’ll take you less than 99 seconds.
We need your details to handle your claim.
This field is compulsory
Must be a valid email
Must be a valid phone number
We will only use your phone number to help you with your claim and give you more personalized attention.
Next, we need to know all the details of your claim.
Banco Popular
Banco Sabadell
Caixabank/La Caixa
Banco Mare Nostrum
Personal use to buy my first or a second house.
Professional use
I have finished paying the mortgage.
I sold the house and another person took over the mortgage
I can not pay the mortgage and I have stopped paying the bank.
1 payment
2 payments
3 payments
4 payments
5 payments
6 payments
more than 6 payments
I do not have a floor clause in my mortgage
I don't know
We only need one of the following documents:
If you’re missing one of these documents, you can upload it later.
Do you want to continue it?